Poduzetnica brenda “Magbago” - Tamara Đurić


Na konferenciji “LOOP Circural fashion” razgovarali sa poduzetnicom brenda “Magbago” @magbago.fashion - Tamarom Đurić. Upotreba deadstock i ostataka materijala, kao i reciklaža i upotreba biorazgradivih materijala u izradi odijevnih komada su ideje budućnosti koje su, zahvaljujući brendu “Mangbago” stigle na naše prostore. Prateći svoje snove o ekološki održivoj proizvodnji i stvaranju modnog brenda koji pripada održivoj modnoj industriji, Tamara je odlučila istrajati u svojim snovima i na tržištu ponuditi nešto potpuno drugačije. 👏🏻✨


At the “LOOP Circular fashion” conference, we talked with the entrepreneur of the “Magbago” @magbago.fashion brand, Tamara Đurić. The use of deadstock and leftover materials, as well as recycling and the use of biodegradable materials in the production of clothing are ideas of the future that, thanks to the “Mangbago” brand, have reached our premises. Following her dreams of ecologically sustainable production and creating a fashion brand that belongs to the sustainable fashion industry, Tamara decided to follow her dreams and offer something completely different to the market. 👏🏻✨

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